30 Years - it's finally out

30 Years - it's finally out

Cory McLeod

Can’t believe I’m writing this, finally. 3.5 years later my second book is officially out! 30 Years: A Life Lived Every Day. From my dad having a glass of wine in 1991 and coming up with the idea to take a photo every day of me, it has now evolved from a flick-book idea into a 30+ year film project on YouTube and now my autobiography.

As some people have told me, I know I probably don’t have any right to write an autobiography, but I felt like there was more to the story than just the photos. It’s everything that has happened in between them. I’m terrified and already regretting some of the things I’ve put into the book. The story starts with my family, me growing up, troubles at school, having dreams and losing them, battles with anxiety, partying, making mistakes, seeking help, being the one people go to for help, travelling the world, being held at gunpoint, starting my own business, running ultramarathons, navigating the pandemic and trying to figure out what I want to do in my life. It covers a lot of subjects everyone can relate to and although some parts are shocking, potentially offensive and dark, I hope there is lots of humour in it too and some of the stories are somewhat inspiring… let’s see. No promises though!

I can’t put into words (excuse the pun) how hard it’s been to get this over the line. The amount of times I think I’ve finished, then have to fix something, spot a grammar mistake or some repetition etc. Finding time to do this whilst having a full-time job has been so difficult. It’s been thousands of hours of work. When I started I had no idea it would take this long to finish.

Big thanks to everyone who has given advice and supported this, and sorry to my family for some of the stories in there. Hope you can still be proud of me.

Christmas is coming up so it’s the perfect time to buy for your loved ones. Thanks all x


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