3 Reasons Why Books Like Implosion Need to be Published by Lauren Davison

3 Reasons Why Books Like Implosion Need to be Published by Lauren Davison

From mental health and cyber-stalking to dominatrix and sexual desire, the stories within Implosion cover an enormous range of experiences and traumas. As one Amazon review points out, the book contains a selection of totally identifiable stories, with relatability to the feelings and emotions we all go through in our individual journeys.



In Implosion, author Lindsey Bauer has provided a space for any story to be told and any experience to be talked about, with openness and without judgement. Read on to discover the 3 reasons why books like Implosion need to be published. 

  1. Provides Comfort and Strength

The women’s stories in the book are a powerful reminder that we’re not alone in the situations we face. The comfort we can gain from knowing others are facing a similar situation, or sharing similar feelings to our own, contains an invaluable strength.

It can give us the strength to keep going, to keep pushing through whatever we’re facing when we might be feeling overwhelmed. As one reader of Implosion so succinctly puts it, Think you are on your own in your darkest times? You are not.’ That realisation can feel like a firework of hope in the dark times.

  1. Generates Awareness

With the chaotic nature of life today, it’s easy to become distracted and miss things going on around us. Because of books like Implosion, we are reminded of the experiences and traumas that face so many people on a daily basis.
Books like this create awareness and allow us to be more engaged with the world around us. Not only can we be inspired by the courage of these women in sharing their stories, but we can also be inspired to be more supportive and empathetic to those around us.

  1. Encourages Openness

The courage shown by the women to talk about their stories in Implosion is inspiring in so many ways. Not only have they been courageously transparent in sharing their own pain, but they have helped shine a light on a wide range of life situations that society often shies away from talking about.

As Lindsey writes, there are so many ‘different secrets that people carry, and which affect them but seem unspeakable.’ The stories within the book cover an enormous spectrum of experiences, such as being incarcerated in prison, sexual desire in your seventies and losing a partner to suicide. Experiences that often still carry a sense of stigma. Books like Implosion are working to change this, by inspiring us to build a more supportive, open society.


Whether they help someone to see that they’re not alone, raise awareness of difficult subjects or help us to talk more openly, books like Implosion are powerful life tools. Order your copy of Implosion here.


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